Wyvern Temple

Dyson's Dodecahedron

We trekked through the Swamp of Forgotten Dreams and into The Jungle Beyond to find the old temple ruins. It turns out there’s a good reason to stay clear of that whole part of the Jungle Beyond. Wyverns. A whole damned family of them roosting on the temple ruins. They claw marks cover the whole structure, the stones scratched, gouged and torn down not by the erosion of weather, but of generations of these foul dragon-like beasts.

Wyvern Temple Wyvern Temple

The Wyvern Temple is a multi-tiered structure, each tier about 7 feet above the one below. The “main” tier of the structure is thus about 21 feet above the level of the jungle, with additional structure reaching up another 30 feet into the low jungle canopy.

The whole structure is in ruins, built centuries ago and left for the jungle and the wyverns to destroy.


The maps on Dyson’s Dodecahedron are…

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Meet the Party: Dresden Files Accelerated

Cannibal Halfling Gaming

A rookie Warden, a wizard assigned to protect the city against supernatural threats, receives his first assignment. The last known priestess of an ancient order devoted to fighting the unholy comes to terms with both her powers and with living with one foot in the old country and another in America. A changeling journalist seeks out stories to trade for protection, hoping to buy enough to keep her Fae mother at bay. A grad student, who is a member of a secret society at least as old as the United States, disguises his supernatural research as part of the studies for his degree. Meet the Party brings you ready-to-play characters, complete with backgrounds and relationships, for use both in your own games and as inspiration for creating characters of your own! This week, we have a group of supernatural investigators in the (possibly ironically named) City of Brotherly Love: Philadelphia!

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Answering Big Questions #006: Video Games and Violence


Oh, look where we are. Again.

Another school shooting. Another cry for some reason, some order to the chaos to be found. Another promise to find and extinguish the problem, once and for all.

The problem is not multifaceted, of course. It doesn’t have anything to do with the ease of purchasing weapons, or unsafe storage habits, or poor funding of mental health supports, or a lacking sense of community. It doesn’t have to do with people not learning how to speak to each other civilly when they have a problem, or regulate their emotions. It’s not about the rampant empathy problem our society may or may not be suffering from.

Image result for shrug

No, it’s none of these things, of course. It’s all caused by those damn video games and movies. Simple. Easy. One-and-done. Simple solutions to complex problems. Everyone just hand in your controllers before you try to trade them…

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Running against the clock

Micki's Delirium

Last week when Hamster and Maidae were running Storms Horns, just as we were about to do A break in the Ice, a world notification popped up. Apparently the servers were to go down for a restart. Hamster looked at the forums and discord, I checked twitter, but we couldn’t find any other information about it. We decided to try and run the quest anyway, hoping that we either finish or that the warning was false.

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Raids week 67

Micki's Delirium

Last week Saturday I was maybe 10 minutes late, and started off by posting for Baba’s, like I’ve been doing. I realised that the clocks had changed in the US, but not in Europe, so technically I posted for my raids an hour later than normally for some. I quickly got some joiners and by 9.25 pm UTC +1 I had a full group and was inside the raid waiting for everyone to enter. I asked the party to split themselves for the split part and off we went. During puzzles I realised that most if not all of the party members were people that have been joining my groups regularly, and I felt very confident in them. I died once during the end fight due to aggroing a wisp, but otherwise we had a good run. No named loot dropped.

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D&D 5E – Old School XP and Treasure

Andrew J. Luther

As mentioned previously, I’ve started running the newest edition of D&D for my son and his friends, and I’m pleasantly surprised at how the game hangs together. Game play is smooth and fun, and the kids are having a great time.

My favorite edition has always been the original AD&D rules. There is just something that about that game that has always inspired my imagination. And while some of my longest campaigns were during the AD&D 2E days, I always eventually came back to the first edition of AD&D.

I’ve actually got an AD&D 2E campaign going now with some of long-time friends, but I regularly wish I had pushed for the game to be 1E instead (or even OSRIC, a fantastic retroclone of AD&D that is an amazing AD&D reference for use at the table). There are a few too many things about 2nd edition that bug me…

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